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日期:2019年12月30日 分类:优美句子


一、由 what 引导的感叹句,其句子结构可分为以下三种:

1. 可用句型:“ What + a/an +形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!”。如:

What a nice present it is! 它是一件多么好的礼物啊!

What an interesting book it is! 它是一本多么有趣的书啊!

2. 可用句型:“ What +形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语!”。如:

What beautiful flowers they are! 多么漂亮的花啊!

What good children they are! 他们是多么好的孩子啊!

3. 可用句型:“ What +形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语!”。如:

What fine weather it is today! 今天天气多好啊!

What important news it is! 多重要的新闻啊!

二、由 how 引导的感叹句,其句子结构也分为三种:

1. 可用句型:“ How +形容词 / 副词+主语+谓语!”。如:

How careful she is! 她多么细心啊!

How fast he runs! 他跑得多快啊!

2. 可用句型:“ How +形容词+ a/an +可数名词单数+主语+谓语!”。如:

How beautiful a girl she is! 她是个多么漂亮的姑娘啊!

3. 可用句型:“ How +主语+谓语!”。如:

How time flies! 光阴似箭!

由 what 引导的感叹句与由 how 引导的感叹句有时可以转换,但句中部分单词的顺序要有所变化。如:

How beautiful a girl she is! = What a beautiful girl she is!

What delicious cakes these are! = How delicious these cakes are!


如: Good idea! (好主意!) wonderful! (太精彩了!) Thank goodness! (谢天谢地!)


含有be动词的陈述句直接将be动词提到主语之前,He is a teacher.----Is he a teacher?含有实意动词的在主语之前加助动词do或者does,He teaches English.---- Does he teach English?含有情态动词的也是直接提到主语之前,如:He can speak English.---Can he speak English?你所问的”反问句”是不是反意疑问句?如果是,规则如下:含有be动词的陈述句,在句子之后,加否定的be动词 和 表示主语的代词He is a teacher,isn`t he?含有情态动词的He can speak English,can he?含有实意动词的He teaches English,doesn`t he?如前面是否定句,则后半部分用肯定,如He doesn`t teach English,does he?


疑问句怎么变陈述句1、 概念:疑问句是后标?的句子。



2、 疑问句分一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。

3、 陈述句的特点是:主语+谓语动词+宾语,疑问句的特点是:(疑问词)+助动词或系动词或情态动词+主语+宾语。

4、 所以互相变化的时候,参考以上的公式来进行。

5、 例如:when will you go?变化的时候去掉when。

把主语you放前面,will回到you后面:you will go。

Will you go shopping?——you will go shopping。

Are you ready?——you are ready。

Has he gone home?——He has gone home。

Does helovesports?——he loves sports。


)Did they clean the floor?——They cleaned the floor。




1、谓语动词是be动词,助动词have, has, will,情态动词can等时,只要直接在这些词后面加not就构成否定形式。

eg. Lily has already read this new book. (改为否定句) Lily ______ ______ this new book ________. 2、谓语动词是行为动词而又没有助动词或情态动词时,必须在谓语动词前加助动词,一般现在时加助动词do ,第三人称单数加does,一般过去时加did,再和not构成否定结构。

必须指出的是:don't, doesn't, didn't后都用动词原形。

eg.1)Jill has lunch at school every day. (改为否定句) Jill _____ _____ lunch at school every day. 2)The children had a good time at the party. (改为否定句) The children ______ _____ a good time at the party. 3)Rose didn't drink any milk this morning.(改为肯定句) Rose ______ ______ milk this morning. 二、疑问句:是用来提出问题的句子。

A.一般疑问句:以be动词, have /has/do等助动词、can/may等情态动词开头,以yes或no来回答的问句。

它的基本结构是:Be/Have /Has/Did等助动词(包括情态动词)+主语+谓语(包括表语)+┄?回答常用简略回答。


eg. There's something wrong with his bike.(改成疑问句) ______ _____ _______ wrong with his bike? 2、谓语动词是行为动词时,必须在句首加上助动词Do、Does(三单)、Did(过去式)加上这些助动词后,句子中谓语动词必须用原形。

eg. 1)Edison built a science lab himself when he was ten. (改成疑问句) ______ Edison ______ a science lab himself when he was ten? 2)Those Japanese like Chinese food.(改成疑问句) ______ those Japanese ________ Chinese food? 注意:在把肯定句改成否定句或一般疑问句的时候,要注意句中是否有already、some、something、somebody等词,如果有也必须进行改变,already要改成yet,some、something、somebody等分别改成any、anything、anybody等。





常用的疑问词有:what, who, whose,which,when,where,how,why等,回答时针对问句中的代词和副词来回答,不用yes或no来回答。

1)对指物名词或谓语动词提出疑问,疑问词用what ①The twins were making a kite when their mother came in. (划线提问) ______ _____ the twins _____ when their mother came in? ②Mrs Turner asked her son to buy some eggs for supper. (划线提问) _______ ______ Mrs Turner ask her son ______ _______? 2)对名词前定语提出疑问,疑问词应用which,而且必须和名词连用。

I'm going to take the shirt on the right.(划线提问) ______ _____ are you going to take? 3)对指人名词或代词提问用who,作宾语时提问用whom。

eg.Li Ping,they,his father 4)对物主代词和名词所有格提问用whose。

eg. Li Ping's coat→Whose coat my father→Whose father 5)对具体时间提出疑问,如 in the morning,last Sunday等,疑问词用when;对具体几点钟提问,疑问词应用what time。


The pupils are having a picnic at the foot of the hill. (划线提问) _____ _____ the pupils having a picnic? 7)对表原因的从句提问,常见的有because引导的从句,疑问词应用why。

Xiao Cheng didn't go to the farm with us because he was ill. (划线提问) _______ _____ Xiao Cheng go to the farm with us? 8)对方式或程度等提出疑问,用疑问词How。

eg. go by bike like very much 9)对数量提出疑问,疑问词为How many,要注意how many必须跟名词的复数形式。

eg. two hundred sheep→How many sheep 10)对价格提出疑问,疑问词用How much。

eg. I paid fifty yuan for the sweater. ______ ______ did you pay for the sweater? 11)对时间长度提出疑问,疑问词应用How long。

eg. I've worked in that factory for two years. (划线提问)96中考题 ______ _____ _______ you worked in that factory? 12)对时间频率,如 once a year, twice a week等提问,疑问词用How often。

13)对具体次数,如 once, twice, three times等提问,疑问词用How many times。

eg. ______ did he call you the day before yesterday?Twice. 96中考题 A.What time B.How many times C.How much D.How long 14)对in+一段时间提问,疑问词一般用How soon。

eg. Jane and her brother will finish the work in two hours. (划线提问) _____ _____ _____ Jane and her brother finish the work? 15)对距离提出疑问,疑问词用How fa...



例如:陈述句:They are in the swimming pool.一般疑问句:Are they in the swimming pool?注意:一般疑问句句末要用“?”。

二、含有情态动词的一般疑问句(can, may...),把情态动词调到句首。

例如:陈述句:He can drive a car.一般疑问句: Can he drive a car?三、含有have的一般疑问句,have译为“有”。


例如:陈述句:Tommy has a computer.一般疑问句:Has Tommy/he a computer?2.加助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其他人称用do。

其句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + have...?例如上句可变为:Does Tommy have a computer?一般疑问句:以be动词, have /has/do等助动词、can/may等情态动词开头,以yes或no来回答的问句。

它的基本结构是:Be/Have /Has/Did等助动词(包括情态动词)+主语+谓语(包括表语)+┄?回答常用简略回答。

四、句子里没有be动词、助动词、情态动词(am/is/are/was/were/will/can/may/must/could/have/has[有])等,就需要加助动词do, does,(三单)、 did(过去式)来构成疑问句,加上这些助动词后,句子中谓语动词必须用原形。

其句型为:Do/Does/did + 主语 + 动词原形+其它?陈述句:Amy speaks English.一般疑问句:Does Amy speak English?注意:在把肯定句改成否定句或一般疑问句的时候,要注意句中是否有already、some、something、somebody等词,如果有也必须进行改变,already要改成yet,some、something、somebody等分别改成any、anything、anybody等。








例如:-Is Mary your sister?-Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.(缩写)二、一般疑问句含有情态动词(can, may, should等)时,用情态动词回答。

例如:-May I come in?-Yes, you may. / No, you can't.三、一般疑问句含有have(译为“有”)时,有两种回答方式。


例如:-Have they any pictures?-Yes, they have. / No, they haven't.2.用助动词do/does回答。

例如:-Does Millie smoke?-Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.四、一般动词的一般疑问句回答时也用助动词。

例如:-Do the workers live in London?-Yes, they do. / No, they don't.


最基本的两种情况:(1)she ate some apples(她吃了一些苹果)要改成一般疑问句 就必须要用YES / NO 回答这里的谓语是ate (动词) 所以将助动词(do)提前,因为是过去式所以用didDid she eat any apples? 因为前面已经有了过去式助动词did 所以后面的eat 用原型过去式一般疑问句 Did+主语+动词原形+…… 否定句只要在动词前加did not就可以了后面的句子有多长不管直接照抄 记得后面的动词还要变原型噢~she did not eat any apples一般疑问句否定回答 did not +主语+动词原形+……(2)There were some flowers(这里有些花)there be 是”有“的意思这里的是there be 结构 (be:is/am/are) there be 句型译为 某地有某物一般疑问句 用YES/NO回答的叫一般疑问句所以将be动词were提前(这里的be动词were是are的过去式)were there some flowers?通常遇到there be 句型转换成一般疑问句时,只要把be提前后面就可以原句照抄了~be+there+……(照抄)否定句只要在be动词后面加not就行了There were not any flowers 总之 过去式的一般疑问句也是过去式There benot……照抄P.S.一点资料给你参考过去式:主语+动词过去式+ …一般疑问句:did +主语+ 动词原型特殊疑问句 疑问词+did+主语+ …(只针对第一种情况的)给你多点例句陈述句:You are a student.(你是一名学生)过去式:You were a student过去式一般疑问句:Were you a student?(你是一名学生吗?)否定句 :You were not a student(你不是一名学生)陈:He can swim very well(他能游地很好) could是can 的过去式过: he could swim very well问:could he swim very well?(他能游的很好嘛?)否:he could not swim very well.(他不能游的很好)陈:there are so many people这里有很多人过:there were so many people问:were there so many people这里有很多人吗否:there were not so many people这里没有很多人陈there is a tree这里有一颗树过there was a tree问was there a tree这里有一颗树吗 否there was no tree这里没有一颗树陈she eats a lot她吃了很多过she ate a lot问did she eat a lot她吃了很多吗否she did not eat a lot她没有吃很多陈he likes reading books过he liked reading books他喜欢看书问did he like reading books?他喜欢看书吗?否he did not like reading books.他不爱看书嗯…其实也就这俩种情况最多 只要弄懂了这两种转换其它的也就慢慢会了祝你早日开窍~


1,如果句中有be动词,在be动词后加not2,如果句子中有谓语动词,在主语后加don't(如主语为第三人称则加doesn't,切变动词三单为原型)3,如句子中有情态动词(如can,may等)在情态动词后加not即可4,如句子由need to等句型构成,则在need这类单词后加not



例如: 陈述句:They are in the swimming pool. :Are they in the swimming pool? 注意:句末要用“?”。

二、含有的一般疑问句(can, may...),把调到句首。

例如: 陈述句:He can drive a car. 一般疑问句: Can he drive a car? 三、含有have的一般疑问句,have译为“有”。

一般疑问句式有两种形式: 1.把have/has调到句首。

例如: 陈述句:Tommy has a computer. 一般疑问句:Has Tommy/he a computer? 2.加do/does,用does,其他人称用do。

其句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + have...?例如上句可变为: Does Tommy have a computer? 四、一般动词的一般疑问句,也要借助do/does,用does,其余人称用do。

其句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + +其它? 陈述句:Amy speaks English. 一般疑问句:Does Amy speak English? 好了,知道了如何问话之后,解一下如何回答一般疑问句。






例如: -Is Mary your sister? -Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.(缩写) 二、一般疑问句含有时,用情态动词回答。

例如: -May I come in? -Yes, you may. / No, you can't. 三、一般疑问句含有have(译为“有”)时,有两种回答方式。


例如: -Have they any pictures? -Yes, they have. / No, they haven't. 2.用do/does回答。

例如: -Does Millie smoke? -Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't. 四、一般动词的一般疑问句回答时也用助动词。

例如: -Do the workers live in London? -Yes, they do. / No, they don't. 给你找的


是把陈述句改成一般疑问句吗?如下:一、要将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以遵循下列步骤:1.看句中有没有be动词(am、is、 are、 was、 were)、助动词(do、does、did、 have、 had)或情态动词(can、must、will、may等),如果有,将其提到句首,句末打上问号即可。

例:It was rainy yesterday.→Was it rainy yesterday?Tom's father can play the piano.→Can Tom's father play the piano?I have finished my homework.→Have you finished your homework?2.如果句中没有be动词、助动词或情态动词,则根据谓语动词的形式借助do的相应形式放在句首。


例:They go to school by bike.→Do they go to school by bike?Bill gets up at 6:30 every day.→Does bill gets up at 6:30 every day?The students saw a film yesterday.→Did the students see a film yesterday?二、陈述句变一般疑问句应注意的事项陈述句变成一般疑问句除了遵循上述规则以外,还应注意下列几点:1.如果陈述句中有第一人称,则变问句时最好要变为第二人称。

例:I usually have lunch at school.→Do you usually have lunch at school?My father is playing soccer.→Is your father playing soccer?2.如果陈述句中有some, 则变问句时往往要变成any 。

例: There is some water on the playground.→Is there any water on the playground?3.复合句变一般疑问句通常只变主句,从句不变。

例:I know he comes from Canada.→Do you know he comes from Canada?4.如果句中含有实义动词have且表示“有”时,除借do外,也可将其直接提到句首。

例:I have some friends in America.→Have you any friends in America?/Do you have any friends in America?
