日期:2015年10月08日 分类:经典语录
Everything is society's fault, and we as individuals never need to take responsibility for anything. Yeah, I like that. I didn't do anything wrong because I can't do anything wrong, because we're all just products of our environment, that is our random and cruel universe. Yeah, it's not my fault, it's society. Everything is
Bojack: Closure is a made up thing by Steven Spielberg to sell movie tickets.
Well, those boobs and jerks wads are the best friends you'll ever have. Without them, you're nothing. Remember that. Your family will never understand you, your lovers will leave you or try to change you, but your fans, you be good to them, and they'll be good to you.
The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and evantually, you'll be dead.
I was born with a leak,any goodness I started with spilled out and it's all gone.Life is a series of closing doors,isn't it?
BoJack: I'm not afraid of commintment, I commint things all the time, It's the following through on that commintment that I take a issue with.
Bojack: I know that I can be selfish and naricssistic and self-destructive, but underneath all that, deep down, I am a good person.
there is nothing the least bit funny about stealing a meal from Neal McBeal the Navy Seal
I'm lonely, want to hate myself less.
卡洛琳 : 第三坨。
——Say when(够了就说)