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日期:2020年08月21日 分类:优美句子


A row of white jade teeth appeared on his dark, red face.


The peony blossomed, the pink petals reddened the little girl's face, reddened the fiery farm life.


The dog's golden hair was shining like it had just been oiled.


We sat on the boat and drove slowly, watching the picturesque scenery on both sides of the Lijiang River, forgetting the noise of the city.


All kinds of stupid things, under the effect of reading good books every day, burn out like paper on fire.


The warm spring snow does not have a trace of cold, but the leisurely snow brings a poetic tranquility to the early spring night.


A good meteor makes silver lines in the night sky, just like exploring the best future in the world.


The breeze of late spring is mingled with slight coolness, which is very comfortable on the face and body.


Don't be envious of his long, envious of his long, then he is short. Don't protect yourself short. If you protect yourself short, you will not be long.


The sharp knife like hill is carrying several wisps of milky fog. In the mist, a long and thin line can be seen.


When spring comes, snow melts, flowers bloom, everything wakes up, and green grass stealthily emerges from the ground.


The window is full of creepers, which block the arrow like sunshine with thick green leaves.


The spider drags the flies around. When the flies are exhausted, the spider happily enjoys the delicious meal.


Don't court deep summer Xi Qing, pomegranate open through the curtain. The trees are full of shade. At noon, there is a sound of warbler in my dream.


In autumn, the deep red persimmon, like a tree flame, makes you wonder.


A remnant sun spreads in the water, half the river, half the river and half the river are red. On the third night of September, the dew is like a pearl moon, like a bow.


Dreams don't have to be big. You can start from the little things around you. Only when you do every little thing well can you do great things.


Memories can be far away from the plain, can make the plain day betray the reality to do a transcendent flight.


Leaves fall one after another, some are dancing like butterflies, some are flying like Orioles.


The spray from the bow of the boat is singing joyful songs.


Life can't play life, or it will accomplish nothing; life can't live without games, or it will be monotonous and boring.


There are also one or two lights in the cracks of the tree. The listless one is the eye of the sleepy one.


His ears are white and red, with distinct earrings. The outer ring and inner ring are well proportioned, like a carved work of art.


The spring wind blows away the clouds, and the sun smiles happily, spreading warmth and brightness all over the lake.


Mother's love is a great book that I can't read all my life; mother's love is a sky that I can never fly out.


The heavy rain has already knocked out two rose petals. The flowers hang their heads powerless and look more delicate.


The yellow leaves of Xiangshan are red, like the sunset from the sky.


The night sky is full of stars, the moon is like a fishing boat, as if sailing in the broad Silver River.


The grass on the hillside nearby also quietly came out of the ground. They were tender and green.


The spring wind blows on the face of all things in the world. It is soft and likeable, which makes the earth a beautiful picture.


I keep chasing the black happiness, just like blindfold to find the way to come.


The bamboo roots are generally thick and thin, the same length, as if the same year's sister, slender and tall and slim and handsome.


They are like loaches that dive into the water at once, and then show their small heads dripping with water not far away.


The clear river, like a transparent blue silk, lies quietly in the arms of the earth.


The fishing fire and the bright moon make the Wusuli River roll like thousands of silver snakes.


Several big and bright stars hung in the night sky, as if the people in the sky were carrying lanterns to patrol the vast space.


A silver gray hovercraft, like a thoroughbred horse, flies across the golden sea.


Early summer, a fresh season, a harvest season, a beautiful season. I love early summer!


In the fields of wheat and rye, among the reeds on the bank, there was a faint and noisy sound.


The sunshine in early summer is the most gentle sunshine. It can shoot into people's heart and open the door of happiness.


Brother's big eyes are like little tigers.


I hide the footprints of the years, walk through the beauty of scattered places, looking for a season of flower rain in the depth of fleeting years.


Little brother's face is chubby and red. It looks like a lovely big apple. I really want to bite it.


The mountain is black and boundless, and the cliff head like a knife, axe and axe stands on the top of the sky.


A gust of wind blowing, leaves rustling, floating down a few like flying butterflies like red leaves.


Cuckoos are singing in the clear and bright fields, and the beautiful azaleas are enchanting in the restless spring wind.


Wild apricot is stepping on the tiger step of the flower season, firmly stepping on the footprints of wild peach, surging a healthy red, bright and secluded.


A crescent moon hung high in the dark blue sky, clear as water shining on the earth.


The sun worked hard all year, but in winter, he was so exhausted that he could hardly put out the heat.


The red maple leaves fluttered down like sparks.
