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日期:2020年05月20日 分类:优美句子

I was watering the garden when it began to rain.追答

这里是:be doing...when 的用法



1.Hearing the bell, the students rushed out of the classroom.2.The man arrested last week regretted stealing the purse.3.The passengers put off at the wrong station had to walk home. (注意put的原型、过去式、过去分词都是put)4.Followed by a group of children, he entered the classroom.5.The dentist having a good salary pulled out one of my teeth. (原文pullet out拼错了)6. Having crept into the tent, the boys slept soundly.7.Arrested by the police, the woman had to admit stealing the expensive dress.


1.After the exam was over,I esplained to my friend Li Hong that I couldn't let her copy my answer.2.The teacher said that some American students would visit our class so we'd wrap some gifts and we would have to communicate in English by then.


一、英语感叹句的改法:例如你要说“今天真是个好天气!”单句是:It's a beautiful day. 1.用what来改:What a beautiful day! 即what+名词2.用How来改:How beautiful the day is! 即how+形容词二、把句子合并为一句:我想你的意思应该是说怎么把两个单句改成定语从句吧。

例如,He speaks to that girl. That girl is a teacher.改成定语从句应该是:That girl whom/who he speaks to is a teacher.先行词是girl(人),所以关系词要用whom/who,因为这个句子里的girl是宾语所以whom/who都能用,如果是主语则只能用who。






1.The operation was performed in a famous hospital.My grandfather's hearing improved.〓> My grandfather's operation was performed in a famous hospital and his hearing improved.2.When I went on a tour round China,I saw many historical sites.It was very exciting.〓> I saw many historical sites when I went on a tour round China which was very exciting.
