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日期:2020年02月24日 分类:优美句子

Are you a singer?

Yes,I am.

No, I‘m not.

Yes,we are.

No,we aren’t.

Is she a singer?

Yes,she is.

No,she isn’t.


当然是I play basketball是正确的“我打篮球”,BE动词是play。


I am play basketball 这句话没法翻译了“我是打篮球”,两个动词,动词是做谓语的。

把play去掉从语法和表达上来说也都是对的,I am basketball,我是篮球或者把play变成动名词的语也可以正确,I am playing basketball,我正在打篮球

be动词 在句子中有什么作用

现在时 I am, you are, he is, we are, you are, they are (缩略式 I'm, you're, he's, we're, you're, they're), (否定缩略式 I'm not, isn't, aren't), 过去时 I was, you were, he was, we were, you were, they were (过去时否定缩略式 wasn't, weren't), 过去分词 been, 现在分词 being 英语的“be”是个特别动词;有些语言,如中文和马来文,并没有“be”这样的动词。

“Be”除了原形的“be”之外,还有另外七种形式:am, is, are, been, being, was, were. 在句子中,“be”可以是主动词(The Principal Verb)或助动词(The Auxiliary Verb). 【当主动词时,“be”在性质上属于接系动词(The Linking Verb), 后面要有名词、形容词、地方副词或短语作补足语(The Complement)。

例如: 1. The man is a science teacher. 2. Mary's new dresses are colourful. 3. I have been there before. 4. Mother is in the kitchen now. 【这四个都是陈述句,可以变成疑问句,方法简单,把主语和“be”或助动词对换位置即可: 5. Is the man a science teacher? 6. Are Mary's new dresses colourful? 7. Have I been there before? 8. Is mother in the kitchen now? 【当“be”要在祈使句中出现时,它必须借重助动词“do”或“don't”之助,如: 9. Don't be silly! 10. Do be obedient! 11. Don't be a fool! 【“Be”有两种缩写法,如下: 12. He's not...../He isn't.... 13. You're not...../You aren't... 【但“am + not”的缩写法只有一个: 14. I'm not. 有人用“ain't”, 但这并不是标准英语。

谈过了“be”作主动词的功能,现在看看“be”作助动词时,有些什么用法: 【1.】“Be + 现在分词”以组成进行式时态(Continuous Tenses),如: 15. Tony's maid is washing his new car. 16. The children are playing in the field. 17. Samuel was eating when I came in. 18. We have been living here since 1959. 【2.】“Be + 过去分词”以组成被动语态(The Passive Voice),如: 19. Her money in the drawer was stolen. 20. A number of good jobs are taken up byforeigners. 21. David studied in Taiwan but has been trained as a language lecturer in America. 22. Can all the wonderful birds be found in our Bird Park? 23. The disobedient boy was told to stand out- side the classroom. 24. Steps are being taken to reduce traffic con- gestion during peak hours. 25. Dishonest students will be immediately dealt with.


Be quick! Be careful! Be patient! Be serious!Being nice doesn't mean cowardice. 善良并不意味着懦弱Being silent doesn't mean emptiness. 沉默并不意味着无知Being tolerant doesn't mean we don't care. 宽容并不意味着不在乎


如果你要说的话中有实义动词 如你举得例子里的 做、骑 那么问句就有助动词do或它的别的时态提问如果没有 则用be动词提问 简单的对话中,这种情况可以大致理解为对某事或某人是否处于某种状态的询问例如Are you sick?你生病了么?Is it Monday today?今天是星期一么?...


如果你要说的话中有实义动词 如你举得例子里的 做、骑 那么问句就有助动词do或它的别的时态提问如果没有 则用be动词提问 简单的对话中,这种情况可以大致理解为对某事或某人是否处于某种状态的询问例如Are you sick?你生病了么?Is it Monday today?今天是星期一么?


1. This is a book.2. That is a pen.3. What is this?4. It is a ruler.5. What is the weather like today?6. It is sunny.7. It was rainy yesterday.8. It will be cold tomorrow.9. Where are you from?10. I am from America.11. How are you?12. I am fine.13. Are you a student?14. No, I am not a student. 15. What is your father?16. He is a doctor.17. What is your mother?18. She is a nurse.19. What are you doing here?20. I am making sentences.


求知者,我是初二的,先说下,let's 的全写是let usI will be a teacher when I grow up.当我长大了,我会当一个老师。

I am a student.我是个学生。

My school is the best one.我的学校是最好的。

I am coming.我来了。

Your father is a worker.你爸爸是一个工人。
