日期:2020年02月07日 分类:优美句子
Hello. 您好。
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Good evening! 晚上好!
You first, please! 您先请!
Can I help you? 我能帮助您吗?
What can I do for you? 我能为您做些什么?
Thanks! 谢谢!
You’re welcome. 不用谢。
It’s my pleasure. 我很乐意。
Hope you could help me. 希望您能帮助我。
Sorry. 对不起。
Sorry to trouble you. 对不起,麻烦您了。
Excuse me. 劳驾了
Have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快。
Goodbye! 再见!
—— 但丁8、勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。
—— 刘备9、不患位之不尊,而患德之不崇;不耻禄之不伙,而耻智之不博。
—— 张衡10、土扶可城墙,积德为厚地。
—— 李白11、行一件好事,心中泰然;行一件歹事,衾影抱愧。
—— 神涵光12、入于污泥而不染、不受资产阶级糖衣炮弹的侵蚀,是最难能可贵的革命品质。
—— 周恩来13、一个人最伤心的事情无过于良心的死灭。
—— 郭沫若14、应该热心地致力于照道德行事,而不要空谈道德。
—— 德谟克利特15、理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。
—— 高尔基16、人在智慧上应当是明豁的,道德上应该是清白的,身体上应该是清洁的。
—— 契诃夫17、良心是由人的知识和全部生活方式来决定的。
—— 马克思18、我深信只有有道德的公民才能向自己的祖国致以可被接受的敬礼。
—— 卢梭19、自觉心是进步之母,自贱心是堕落之源,故自觉心不可无,自贱心不可有。
— 邹韬奋20、知耻近乎勇。
—— 孔丘21、不是不能见义,怕的是见义而不勇为。
—— 谢觉哉22、要留心,即使当你独自一人时,也不要说坏话或做坏事,而要学得在你自己面前比在别人面前更知耻。
—— 德谟克利特23、 静以修身,俭以养德。
—— 诸葛亮24、君子忧道不忧贫。
—— 孔丘25、贫而无谄,富而无骄。
—— 子贡26、强本而节用,则天不能贫。
—— 荀况27、侈而惰者贫,而力而俭者富。
—— 韩非28、夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。
—— 诸葛亮29、奢者狼藉俭者安,一凶一吉在眼前。
—— 白居易30、不念居安思危,戒奢以俭;斯以伐根而求木茂,塞源而欲流长也。
—— 魏徵31、历览前贤国与家,成由勤俭破由奢。
—— 李商隐32、霸祖孤身取二江,子孙多以百城降。
豪华尽出成功后,逸乐安知与祸双? —— 王安石33、侈则多欲。
—— 司马光34、谁在平日节衣缩食,在穷困时就容易度过难关;谁在富足时豪华奢侈,在穷困时就会死于饥寒。
——萨迪 35、奢侈总是跟随着淫乱,淫乱总是跟随着奢侈。
—— 孟德斯鸠36、善气迎人,亲如弟兄;恶气迎人,害于戈兵。
—— 管仲37、天下有大勇者,猝然临之而不惊,不故加之而不怒。
—— 苏轼38、我们应该注意自己不用言语去伤害别的同志,但是,当别人用语言来伤害自己的时候,也应该受得起。
—— 刘少奇39、礼貌是人类共处的金钥匙。
—— 松苏内吉40、讲话气势汹汹,未必就是言之有理。
—— 萨迪41、礼貌是儿童与青年所应该特别小心地养成习惯的第一件大事。
—— 约翰•洛克42、礼貌使有礼貌的人喜悦,也使那些受人以礼貌相待的人们喜悦。
—— 孟德斯鸠43、礼貌经常可以替代最高贵的感情。
—— 梅里美44、礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。
—— 泰戈尔46、礼仪周全能息事宁人——儒贝尔47、头衔愈大,礼仪愈繁——丁尼生48、生命是短促的,然而尽管如此,人们还是有时间讲究礼仪——爱默生49、如果把礼仪看得比月亮还高,结果就会失去人与人真诚的信任——培根50、礼仪是在他的一切别种美德之上加上一层藻饰,使它们对他具有效用,去为他获得一切和他接近的人的尊重与好感——洛克51、举行盛大的葬礼,与其说是向死者志哀,不如说是为了满足生者的虚荣——拉罗什富科52、人间的面孔从未像在葬礼中看上去那么世俗——乔•艾琪渥斯53、一个人如果在街上注意观察的活动,我相信,他一定会在灵车上发现最愉快的表情——乔•斯威夫特54、人们最看重的是特权,哪怕是主持葬礼的特权——詹•拉•洛威尔55、礼者,人道之极也——荀子56、安上治民,莫善于礼——孝经57、道之以告德,齐之以礼——论语58、不学礼,无以立——论语59、礼,经国家,定社稷,序民人,利后嗣——左传60、礼,天之经也,民之行也——左传61、人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国家无礼则不宁——荀子62、人有礼则安,无礼则危——礼记63、礼以行义,义以生利,利民,政之大节也——左传64、礼义廉耻,国之四维,四维不张,国乃灭亡——管子65、衣食以厚民生,礼义以养其心——元•许衡66、礼义生于富足,盗窃起于贫穷——汉•王符 67、仁者爱人,有礼者敬人。
73、校园从此而美丽,从我做起. 闪光的青春,从...
The etiquette comprehensive can avoid The title is larger, more complex Etiquette The life is short, but even so, people still have time to pay attention to etiquette If the ceremony than the moon is high, it will lose the people sincerely trust The etiquette in all his other virtues above a layer of embellishments, enabling them to him with utility, go to get him everything and he close to people 's respect and affection It held a grand funeral, saying with its is to honor the dead, be inferior to saying is to satisfy the vanity The human face is never in the funeral looked so secular A person if the streets observing activities, I believe, he must be in the hearse was found on most pleasant expressions The people is the most important privileges, which afraid is interred privilege The ceremony, humane pole The placement of rule the people, not good at .The road to be German, Qi Zhi manners Not to learn a gift, not to legislate The ceremony, by the state, the people set, order, and heirs The ceremony, day also, people trip The people are not rude health, things are not rude, countries are not rude Ning The people have the ceremony, the risk .The ceremony to righteousness, Yi Yi Sheng Li, Li to civilians, the government section also The sense of propriety, the country's four-dimensional, four-dimensional atelectasis, country is destroyed The food and clothing to people in order to raise its thick, long The justice was born in rich, theft from poverty Choose me to give you a good stuff!!!!!!!!!!!1, respect people, people respected; love, be loved. -- Mencius? 2, will not be proud, arrogant, rude, impolite person from, people from the rebel. -- Zhu Geliang? 3, politeness is the educated people 's second sun. -- Heraclitus? 4, politeness can often replace the most noble feelings. -- Merimee? 5, politeness is like an air cushion, there is nothing in it, but ours jolts wonderfully. -- Johnson? 6, rude people, just as there is no window housing. -- Uygur Proverbs? 7, people with ceremony, rude risk. --" the book of Rites"? 8, learned in paper, with about. -- Confucius? 9, country Shang Li Guochang, home is large with ceremony ceremony, body repair, heart heart Thai ceremony. -- Qing Yan Yuan.? 10, refined and courteous manner, is mainly self restraint performance. Edison -- United States.? 11, politeness is children and youth should be especially careful habit first. -- Rock English.? 12, with good people, is not difficult to express his manners. -- Rousseau method.? 13, courtesy of the polite man, also make the people to be polite to people the joy. -- Meng Desi method.? 14, polite not to spend money, but more than anything. -- Cervantes of Spain.? 15, two peace violence, that is law and politeness. Goethe -- Germany.? 16, life the most important to be polite, it is the highest wisdom, knowledge is more important than all. -- Herzen of Russia.? 17, rude or not, it is not rude, impolite not to Nanjing china. -- Xun Qing? 18, ceremony, day also, to justice, civilian bank. -- Zuoqiu Ming? 19, virtue is a jewel. -- John Rock, UK.? 20, politeness is not necessarily appear wise, polite but often look very foolish. Landau -- United States.
1, please do not garbage sewage 2, no fighting swearing dou Europe 3, everyone polite, all love the school 4, good good study, day day up 7, please consciously abide by the discipline 8, please keep indoor sanitation 10, do not littering rubbish 11, please speak mandarin 14, fluctuation stair not keep right noise 16, have good manners 17, please keep quiet 18, civilized speak hygiene is everybody's business 19, please take good care of public health 20, love flowers and trees to beautify the campus 21, please do not write 568 22 love flowers and trees 23 please speak politely 24 don't spit 25, reading improve quality 26 not jumping about running the corridor 27 please save water 29 consciously abide by the classroom routines 31 please use civilized courtesy 32 keep the room clean sanitation 34 hello sorry thanks. Bye 35 bicycle parking 38 everyone to research method knowing law-abiding dharma 39 mind beautiful language beauty behavior beauty environmental beauty 40 do not smoking 41 male toilet 42 female toilets 43 protect public property 44 please don't put sundry and threw it into slot 46 living simple don't pick with food and clothing 47 protective flowers and trees is everybody's business 48 environmental health is everybody's business 49 self-conscious health habits formed 50 please keep indoor and outdoor environment clean and tidy 51 have moral ideals have culture have discipline 52 love flowers and trees do not unscrupulous 53 everyone speak hygiene all love clean 54 all hands improve health 55 before the rice then empress to wash your hands 57 popularization civilization terminology advocate to be polite 60 exquisite sanitation clean 61, unity and progress strive for school 62 speak hygiene glorious speak hygiene not ashamed 63 school is my home cleaning depends on everybody 64 queuing well quick static neat
The etiquette comprehensive can avoid The title is larger, more complex Etiquette The life is short, but even so, people still have time to pay attention to etiquette If the ceremony than the moon is high, it will lose the people sincerely trust The etiquette in all his other virtues above a layer of embellishments, enabling them to him with utility, go to get him everything and he close to people 's respect and affection It held a grand funeral, saying with its is to honor the dead, be inferior to saying is to satisfy the vanity The human face is never in the funeral looked so secular A person if the streets observing activities, I believe, he must be in the hearse was found on most pleasant expressions The people is the most important privileges, which afraid is interred privilege The ceremony, humane pole The placement of rule the people, not good at .The road to be German, Qi Zhi manners Not to learn a gift, not to legislate The ceremony, by the state, the people set, order, and heirs The ceremony, day also, people trip The people are not rude health, things are not rude, countries are not rude Ning The people have the ceremony, the risk .The ceremony to righteousness, Yi Yi Sheng Li, Li to civilians, the government section also The sense of propriety, the country's four-dimensional, four-dimensional atelectasis, country is destroyed The food and clothing to people in order to raise its thick, long The justice was born in rich, theft from poverty Choose me to give you a good stuff!!!!!!!!!!!1, respect people, people respected; love, be loved. -- Mencius? 2, will not be proud, arrogant, rude, impolite person from, people from the rebel. -- Zhu Geliang? 3, politeness is the educated people 's second sun. -- Heraclitus? 4, politeness can often replace the most noble feelings. -- Merimee? 5, politeness is like an air cushion, there is nothing in it, but ours jolts wonderfully. -- Johnson? 6, rude people, just as there is no window housing. -- Uygur Proverbs? 7, people with ceremony, rude risk. --" the book of Rites"? 8, learned in paper, with about. -- Confucius? 9, country Shang Li Guochang, home is large with ceremony ceremony, body repair, heart heart Thai ceremony. -- Qing Yan Yuan.? 10, refined and courteous manner, is mainly self restraint performance. Edison -- United States.? 11, politeness is children and youth should be especially careful habit first. -- Rock English.? 12, with good people, is not difficult to express his manners. -- Rousseau method.? 13, courtesy of the polite man, also make the people to be polite to people the joy. -- Meng Desi method.? 14, polite not to spend money, but more than anything. -- Cervantes of Spain.? 15, two peace violence, that is law and politeness. Goethe -- Germany.? 16, life the most important to be polite, it is the highest wisdom, knowledge is more important than all. -- Herzen of Russia.? 17, rude or not, it is not rude, impolite not to Nanjing china. -- Xun Qing? 18, ceremony, day also, to justice, civilian bank. -- Zuoqiu Ming? 19, virtue is a jewel. -- John Rock, UK.? 20, politeness is not necessarily appear wise, polite but often look very foolish. Landau -- United States.
Cultural differences can invite interest, rupture friendships or even spark wars. when visiting another country, observing the proper etiquette over meals can go a long way toward opening lines of communication. Japanese dining etiquette is fairly simple, and there are only a few small things to remember to make sure that your meals will move along smoothly. If a hot towel is provided日本的用餐礼仪
奥运会: The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad has recently received the ISO14001 certificate, meaning that the environmental management system set up by the BOCOG conforms to the ISO14001:1966 standards and requirements. The certificate issued by China's national environmental authentication center on October 13 covers areas including BOCOG's office work, the event route planning, venue planning, partners selecting, contracted hotels selecting, communication and environmental management. The BOCOG started establishing the EMS following BOCOG president Liu Qi's approval in April 2004. After experts' examination and appraisal of a trial practice of several months, the BOCOG passed the certification in September this year. The system will be implemented from now on to ensure BOCOG's scientific management of the Olympiad's preparation and hosting. As a theme of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Green Olympics means to prepare it in accordance with the principle of sustainable development, which calls for the protection of environment, conservation of resources and maintenance of ecological balance. The city's environmental infrastructure will be enhanced and its ecological surrounding improved. Beijing will widely organize environmental communication and education activities to raise public awareness and leave rich environmental legacy to China and world sports. BOCOG has compiled an EMS manual, assigned environmental management representatives, clarified responsibilities for BOCOG's different departments, held training courses, and confirmed some key environmental elements for all departments 我和北京奥运 我盼望着2008年8月8日快点到来。
Olympic Games and me I am looking forward the Beijing Olympics on August 8, 2008 very much. This is the opening cenemony of the Beijing Olympic Games, and the day the world sports family gathering together, as well as the day Chinese people are really proud of. As a small master, I really want to become a glorious Olympic volunteer, but I still too little to really become a volunteer. But I can still make contributions to the Beijing Olympic Games. First of all, as a citizen of Beijing, I will use my enthusiasm and smile to greet every foreign friends from all over the world, and to show off our Beijingers' friendly and hospitable spirit so that every foreign friends will know the city by the faces. Next, I want to learn English harder so that during the Olympics I could speak to foreign friends and community in English, And do my best to help them, For example, be a little translator and to help foreigners when they ask way. Let them know China by the behaviors of us. Again, I would like to learn more about Beijing's Olympic and for the future to our foreign friends knowing more about our beautiful Beijing, as well as the long history and splendid culture, I would like to mobilize each and every one of my classmates, we will study together and civilize etiquette together to strengthen and promote environmental awareness for the Beijing Olympic Games into a true "Green Olympics, People's Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics" from ourselves and from now on. "One world, one dream," I hope my dream will become a reality.. 今天,立于国家博物馆门前的奥运倒计时牌显示出的数字表明,再过800天,我们热盼已久的2008年第29届奥运会就要在北京举行了。
” ———《论语.季氏》 君子以仁存心,以礼存心:仁者爱人,有礼者敬人。
———孟子:《孟子.离娄下》 礼尚往来。
———《礼记.曲礼上》 举止是映照每个人自身形象的镜子。
———歌德:《亲和力》 文明的最重要任务之一,是使人在他纯粹的物质生活中也受形式的支配,使人在美的王国能够达到的范围内成为审美的人。
———席勒:《审美教育书简》 礼貌是一个人自己的真实思想中进行选择的艺术。
———阿.史蒂文斯:《德.斯蒂尔夫人》 礼貌使有礼貌的人喜悦,也使那些受人以礼貌相待的人们喜悦。
———孟德斯鸠:《论法的精神》 讲礼貌不会失去什么,却能得到一切。
———玛.沃.蒙塔古:《书信集》 礼节是所有规范中最微小却最稳定的规范。
———拉罗什福科:《道德箴言录》 礼貌是博爱的花朵。
———茹贝尔:《名言集》 使一个人伟大,并不在于富裕和门第,而在于可贵的行为和高尚的品性。
———奥维:《名人名言录》 礼仪不良有两种:第一种是忸怩羞怯;第二种是行为不检点和轻慢;要避免这两种情形,就只有好好地遵守下面这条规则,就是,不要看不起自己,也不要看不起别人。
41、对不文明的行为说:"NO!" 别让坚强的生命,成为足下阴魂。
草坪 以滥用水为耻,以节约水为荣。
水资源 道路的拐弯处,人生的转折点。
1、请勿乱倒垃圾污水2、不准打架骂人斗欧 3、人人有礼貌,个个爱学校 4、好好学习,天天向上 7、请自觉遵守纪律8、请保持室内卫生 10、请勿乱扔果皮纸屑11、请讲普通话 14、上下楼梯靠右行勿喧哗 16、讲文明 讲礼貌 17、请保持安静 18、讲文明讲卫生人人有责 19、请爱护公共卫生 20、爱护花木 美化校园21、请勿乱涂乱写 22爱护花草树木 23请讲礼貌用语 24请勿随地吐痰25、博览群书 提高素质 26不在走廊乱跑乱跳 27请节约用水 29自觉遵守课堂常规 31请使用文明礼貌用语 32保持室内清洁卫生 34您好对不起谢谢再见35自行车停放处 38人人要学法知法守法护法 39心灵美 语言美 行为美 环境美40请勿吸烟 41男厕所42女厕所 43爱护公共财物 44请不要把杂物丢进便槽 46生活简朴 不挑吃穿47保护花木 人人有责48保护环境卫生 人人有责 49自觉养成卫生习惯 50请保持室内外环境整洁 51 有道德有理想有文化有纪律 52爱护花木请勿攀折53人人讲卫生 个个爱清洁 54人人动手搞好卫生 55饭前便后要洗手57普及文明用语 提倡礼貌待人60讲究卫生保持清洁 61、团结进取争创名校 62讲卫生光荣 不讲卫生可耻 63学校是我家 清洁靠大家 64排队做好快静齐 “播种文明、收获温馨”、 “美是文明、美是智慧、美是奉献”、 “勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为”、 “礼貌是人类文明共处的金钥匙”、 “今天,你微笑了吗?你问候了吗?你礼让了吗?你帮助别人了吗?” 这是一个学校的例子:我自信,我出色;我拼搏,我成功。
青草无语,足下留情 青草在微笑,请你绕一绕 一. 教学楼(一) 北楼梯口 二楼:道德的分量有多重,人生留下的脚印就有多深 三楼:出言吐语勿忘有容乃大 行为举止切记恶小不为 四楼:人生自古谁无死?留取丹心照汗青。
(《周易·乾》) (二) 廊西墙(南) 二楼:虽有良玉,不刻镂则不成器;虽有美质,不学则不成君子。
——韩婴 三楼:生命如铁砧,愈被敲打,愈能发出火花。
——伽利略 四楼:非规矩不能定方圆,非准绳不能正曲直。
(《淮南子·说林训》) 五楼:顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰。
——狄更斯 (一) 南楼梯口 二楼:千里始足下,高山起微尘。
———白居易 三楼:学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。
———孔子 四楼:敏而好学,不耻下问。
(《论语》) 五楼:千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人。
二. 实验楼 三. 办公楼(东墙) 楼梯口(教工楼梯) 一楼:美是到处都有的。
—— 但丁8、勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。
—— 刘备9、不患位之不尊,而患德之不崇;不耻禄之不伙,而耻智之不博。
—— 张衡10、土扶可城墙,积德为厚地。
—— 李白11、行一件好事,心中泰然;行一件歹事,衾影抱愧。
—— 神涵光12、入于污泥而不染、不受资产阶级糖衣炮弹的侵蚀,是最难能可贵的革命品质。
—— 周恩来13、一个人最伤心的事情无过于良心的死灭。
—— 郭沫若14、应该热心地致力于照道德行事,而不要空谈道德。
—— 德谟克利特15、理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。
—— 高尔基16、人在智慧上应当是明豁的,道德上应该是清白的,身体上应该是清洁的。
—— 契诃夫17、良心是由人的知识和全部生活方式来决定的。
—— 马克思18、我深信只有有道德的公民才能向自己的祖国致以可被接受的敬礼。
—— 卢梭19、自觉心是进步之母,自贱心是堕落之源,故自觉心不可无,自贱心不可有。
— 邹韬奋20、知耻近乎勇。
—— 孔丘21、不是不能见义,怕的是见义而不勇为。
—— 谢觉哉22、要留心,即使当你独自一人时,也不要说坏话或做坏事,而要学得在你自己面前比在别人面前更知耻。
—— 德谟克利特23、 静以修身,俭以养德。
—— 诸葛亮24、君子忧道不忧贫。
—— 孔丘25、贫而无谄,富而无骄。
—— 子贡26、强本而节用,则天不能贫。
—— 荀况27、侈而惰者贫,而力而俭者富。
—— 韩非28、夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。
—— 诸葛亮29、奢者狼藉俭者安,一凶一吉在眼前。
—— 白居易30、不念居安思危,戒奢以俭;斯以伐根而求木茂,塞源而欲流长也。
—— 魏徵31、历览前贤国与家,成由勤俭破由奢。
—— 李商隐32、霸祖孤身取二江,子孙多以百城降。
豪华尽出成功后,逸乐安知与祸双? —— 王安石33、侈则多欲。
—— 司马光34、谁在平日节衣缩食,在穷困时就容易度过难关;谁在富足时豪华奢侈,在穷困时就会死于饥寒。
——萨迪 35、奢侈总是跟随着淫乱,淫乱总是跟随着奢侈。
—— 孟德斯鸠36、善气迎人,亲如弟兄;恶气迎人,害于戈兵。
—— 管仲37、天下有大勇者,猝然临之而不惊,不故加之而不怒。
—— 苏轼38、我们应该注意自己不用言语去伤害别的同志,但是,当别人用语言来伤害自己的时候,也应该受得起。
—— 刘少奇39、礼貌是人类共处的金钥匙。
—— 松苏内吉40、讲话气势汹汹,未必就是言之有理。
—— 萨迪41、礼貌是儿童与青年所应该特别小心地养成习惯的第一件大事。
—— 约翰•洛克42、礼貌使有礼貌的人喜悦,也使那些受人以礼貌相待的人们喜悦。
—— 孟德斯鸠43、礼貌经常可以替代最高贵的感情。
—— 梅里美44、礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。
—— 泰戈尔46、礼仪周全能息事宁人——儒贝尔47、头衔愈大,礼仪愈繁——丁尼生48、生命是短促的,然而尽管如此,人们还是有时间讲究礼仪——爱默生49、如果把礼仪看得比月亮还高,结果就会失去人与人真诚的信任——培根50、礼仪是在他的一切别种美德之上加上一层藻饰,使它们对他具有效用,去为他获得一切和他接近的人的尊重与好感——洛克51、举行盛大的葬礼,与其说是向死者志哀,不如说是为了满足生者的虚荣——拉罗什富科52、人间的面孔从未像在葬礼中看上去那么世俗——乔•艾琪渥斯53、一个人如果在街上注意观察的活动,我相信,他一定会在灵车上发现最愉快的表情——乔•斯威夫特54、人们最看重的是特权,哪怕是主持葬礼的特权——詹•拉•洛威尔55、礼者,人道之极也——荀子56、安上治民,莫善于礼——孝经57、道之以告德,齐之以礼——论语58、不学礼,无以立——论语59、礼,经国家,定社稷,序民人,利后嗣——左传60、礼,天之经也,民之行也——左传61、人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国家无礼则不宁——荀子62、人有礼则安,无礼则危——礼记63、礼以行义,义以生利,利民,政之大节也——左传64、礼义廉耻,国之四维,四维不张,国乃灭亡——管子65、衣食以厚民生,礼义以养其心——元•许衡66、礼义生于富足,盗窃起于贫穷——汉•王符 67、仁者爱人,有礼者敬人。
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