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日期:2019年12月26日 分类:优美句子



一件物品或者一个人处在一个环境或者空间位置中,例如这个地方有什么东西,就要用there be结构开头,不能说This place has **** .该说there is *** in this place. is就是there be结构中的be,主谓是一个句子最基本的元素,后面的名词water是不可数的,所以要用is来作谓语,much修饰不可数名词表很多。



答:单数名词写句子:I have a brother。

I want to eat a banana。

He wants to eat a apple。

She has a sister。

You can go shopping with your mother。

复数名词写句子:I have lots of English books。

There are 5 apples。

They like their parents。

I need some friends。

We are all students。


一般疑问句助动词+主语+动词+其他?Do you want an apple?把陈述句变为一般疑问句如:1,一般的句子I have an apple.Do you have an apple?Yes, I do.肯定回答No,I don't.否定回答2,有情态动词的句子I can jump.Can you jump?Yes,I can.No,I cann't.写着又点费尽,讲起来就容易多了。



1. 一句句子的句首eg. Have a good day.2. 专有名词的开头,包括:a.人名eg. My name is Anna / Li Ming.b.国名/地名eg. We live in China / USA / Shandong.c.专有名词eg. the Great Wall / Beijing University 3. 书名,杂志名和新闻标题每个词首大写,介词除外eg. The Tale of Two Cities / New York Times / Lord of Ring4. 星期,月份和节日eg. Sunday / June / Thanksgiving 5. 称呼或职称eg. Mr. / Dr. / PhD / Professor6. 缩写 (abbreviation)eg. EXPO / WWI / NYSE / IEEE / BTW7. 表示要重读或小说中表示大声叫(每个字母都大写)eg. Did you say FAT? 8. I / OK9. 信末祝词eg. Best Regards / Yours Sincere






ed表完成建议去百度文库搜一下 非谓语动词http://wenku.baidu.com/view/708bde7fa26925c52cc5bf33.html


给你摘了一些,你每个抄15个就好 被动态 例:1、主动:The children gave the foreign guests a warm welcome. 被动:The foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the children. 孩子们热烈地欢迎外宾。

2、主动:People regard him as brilliant. 被动:He is regarded as brilliant by people. 人们认为他很有才华。

以上两例都是一般时态用be done的例子,be有人称、时、数变,第三人称foreign friends是复数,时态一般过去时,所以"be done"就是were given,而People regard him as brilliant一句,被动后的"be done"就变成单数第三人称is regarded的形式了。

被动: This speech was delivered by comrade Wang. 这篇讲演是王的发言。

There was a serious train accident near the border. Two people were killed and twelve were injured. 边境发生严重列车事故,二人死亡,十二人受伤。

A person who is truly honest is called a straight arrow. 直言不讳的人才是真正诚实的人。

A note was passed up to the speaker. 有人给讲演者递上来一张纸条。

John was elected president of the class instead of Harry. 乔治被选为班长而代替了亨利。

The information is urgently needed. 急需这个资料。

完成时态have done,被动将been加中间。

(过去完成时had done也包括在内)。

例:1、主动:We have studied English for 3 years off and on at the spare-time school. 被动:English has been studied for 3 by us years off and on at the spare-time school. 我们已经在夜校里断断续续地学了三年英语了。

2、主动: They had produced 100 tractors by the end of last year. 被动: 100 tractors had been produced by the end of last year. 到去年年底我们已生产出一百台拖拉机。

3、主动:They have set up a power station in their home town. 被动:A power station has been set up in their home town. 他们的家乡建立了一座发电站。

4、主动:They have warned us to be careful of rats. 被动:We have been warned to be careful of rats. 他们已提醒我们要注意老鼠。

5、主动:People have piled plastic bags full of rubbish in streets. 被动: Plastic bags full of rubbish have been piled in streets. 人们把装满垃圾的塑料袋子堆放在街上。

6、主动:We have used nuclear energy to produce electricity. 被动:Nuclear energy has been used to produce electricity. 核能已用来发电。

7、主动:No one has ever beaten him at tennis. 被动:He has never been beaten at tennis. 就网球来说还没有人是他的对手。

(No one涉及到全否定和部分否定问题,见否定一讲) The subjects of these lectures have been announced by the lecture committee. 演讲委员会已宣布了这些讲演的题目。

过去完成时也是一样: 主动: Somebody had cleaned my shoes. 被动: My shoes had been cleaned by somebody. 有人早已把我的鞋子擦了。


被动句中的by引出的宾语,一般说来,如果是人称代词你、我、他等,均可省略,someone no one不由by来引出。


主动:The Chinese people will make more space explorations in the future. 被动:More space explorations will be made in the future by the Chinese people. 中国人民在将来将进行更多的空间探索。

同样 After a period of use, the batteries should be changed. 电池使用一段时间后,应该更换。

Usually, the electricity is on for 24 hours. But tomorrow it will be cut off in the day time. 通常是昼夜供电,明天白天将停电。

More peaceful uses will be found for nuclear explosives in the future. 在将来会发现更多的和平利用核爆炸的途径。

More hard work will be needed to make this wonder come true in a short time from now. 从现在起要使这些奇迹在短时间内成为现实还需要做更多的艰苦工作。

make...come true 使……成为事实; come true做宾补(见感使动词口诀)。

The machine will not be used again. 这机器不能再用了。

反义疑问句 一、There be 句型陈述句比较特殊, 其附加疑问句的结构为there be的倒装,而不带句子主语。

例如:There is something wrong with the computer, isn't there? 这台电脑有点毛病,是不是?There aren't any fish in the river, are there? 这条河里没有鱼, 是吗?二、当陈述部分的主语是everyone,everybody, someone, nobody, no one,none, anyone, somebody等合成不定代词时, 在非正式文体中,附加疑问句中的主语通常用he或they。

例如:Someone opened the door, didn't he/they? 有人开了门,是不是?Nobody went to the cinema, did they? 没人去看电影,是吗?三、当陈述部分的主语是everything, nothing, something, anything等合成词,附加疑问句中的主语用it。

例如:Nothing serious happened, did it? 什么事情也没有发生,对吗?Everything is ready, isn't it? 一切准备就绪了,不是吗?四、当陈述部分的谓语动词是am的肯定形式...




这类句子的结构形式是: what++adj.+n.+主语+谓语+(it is). 如: ① What a clever girl she is! 多么聪明的姑娘呀!② What an interesting story it is! 多么有趣的故事呀!③ What good children they are! 他们是多么好的孩子呀!④ What beautiful flowers they are! 多么漂亮的花呀!⑤ What delicious food it is! 多么有味的食物呀!⑥ What heavy snow it is! 多么大的雪呀! 三、在表示同一意义时,英语感叹既可用"what"引导,也可用"how"引导。

如:① What a hot day it is! 多么热的天气呀!② What tall buildings they are! 多么高的楼房呀!③ What bad weather it is! 多么糟糕的天气呀!④ What bright sunshine it is! 多么明亮的阳光呀!四、感叹句在表示激动强烈的感情时,口语中常常采用省略句,其后面的主语和谓语往往略去不讲。

如:① What a fine day! 多么晴朗的天呀!② What an honest boy! 多么诚实的孩子呀!③ What red apples! 多么红的苹果呀!http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=Nn1qvg6r5JJSadLkBH6UdVLpjSKtK6nS8khq5FDId434NEB4y4GIrAqupn6f3odVNjxnVvER1OwnSlI5dLtKJ4t02TtpIlG0QHqyA1g36w_


一、最常见的名词复数(Plural)就是在单数(Singular)名词后边加上一个s boy boys cat cats room rooms horse horses tree trees rose roses 二、如果名词是以sh,ch,s或x结尾的话,那就要在单数的后面加上es lash lashes 鞭子 push pushes branch branches match matches coach coaches 教练 gas gases ass asses 驴子 class classes box boxes fox foxes 三、如果名词结尾是一个子音(consonant,就是除了a,e,i,o,u之外的字母)加一个y, 那就要将y换成i,再加上es baby babies family families pony ponies city cities country countries 四、可是,如果名词结尾是一个母音(vowel,就是a,e,i,o,u)加一个y,那只要在单 数词后加一个s就成了 play plays way ways valley valleys 山谷 donkey donkeys toy toys boy boys guy guys 五、当单数名词的结尾是f或fe时,复数的写法就是将f改为v,再加es thief thieves shelf shelves leaf leaves calf calves half halves wolf wolves wife wives life lives 可是,f结尾的单数字,有许多只需加个s就成复数(你看,这又是英文的bugs) roof roofs hoof hoofs chief chiefs cliff cliffs gulf gulfs 六、结尾是o的单数词,一部份只加s就成复数词,但有的却需加es piano pianos photo photos bamboo bamboos zoo zoos kangaroo kangaroos 袋鼠 mulatto mulattos 白黑混血儿 hero heroes mango mangoes potato potatoes volcano volcanoes negro negroes 黑人 cargo cargoes echo echoes buffalo buffaloes tomato tomatoes mosquito mosquitoes 七、由于古老传统的原因,一些单数词得加en才能变成复数词 ox oxen child children (你看,这个就不守规矩了,不是加en ,是ren呀) brother brethren (哎呀,这个这个……是bre,不是bro) 八、一些单数词得改头换面一番,才能变成复数词的哦: analysis analyses 分析 basis bases 基础 datum data 数据 foot feet formula formulae/formulas 公式 goose geese louse lice 虱子 man men mouse mice medium media/mediums 媒介 memorandum memoranda/memorandums 备忘录 parenthesis parentheses 圆括号 phenomenon phenomena 现象 radius radii 半径 tooth teeth woman women 九、有些名词是单数、复数不分的,很可爱是吗? deer fish cannon sheep salmon 鲑鱼 trout 鳟鱼 (许多鱼类都是这么"可爱"的呀。

) 十、一些名词虽分单数、复数,但出现次数多的总是单数词: abscence clothing film help furniture 家具 machinery 机械 news scenery 风景 sugar traffic 交通 十一、另一些名词则以复数词出现的机会较多: bellows 风箱 clothes 衣服 police 警察 shorts 短裤 scissors 剪刀 spectacles 眼镜 十二、最后一类是compound nouns,这类复数词是以主要的名词来表示: coat-of-mail coats-of-mail 锁子甲 daughter-in-law daughters-in-law 媳妇 father-in-law fathers-in-law 岳父 man-of-war men-of-war 兵舰 maid-servant maid-servants step-son step-sons 晚子 son-in-law sons-in-law
