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日期:2019年11月10日 分类:优美句子




Winter is a beautiful season, especially when it snows.

Snowflakes fall down naughtily. They fall on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat fields.

Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white.

Everything is shining in the sun.



1. The river in winter is very beautiful. The river has a thick layer of ice, and the woods on the side are covered with loose snow. Look far and far, like White Velvet covered with a silver white ribbon.冬天时的小河十分美丽。



2. In winter, when the weather is very cold and the wind is cold, poplar stands tall and stubborn. Standing in the wind and snow, he is not afraid of the cold. He always stands in the middle of our school playground, waiting for the coming of spring.冬天时,天气十分寒冷,寒风凛冽,白杨树却挺立着它倔强的身躯,站在风雪中,他不怕严寒,他始终站在我们学校的操场中央,等待着春天的到来。

3. In winter, many flowers have withered, but the plum blossom can open in the cold wind alone, and the cold winter stubbornly contend for.冬天,许多花都已经凋谢了,而梅花却能在凛冽的寒风中独自开放,与寒冬顽强争高下。

更多双语例句:1. Winter is like a princess, dancing magic veil, sent bursts of wind; winter as a craftsman, carving out the most beautiful winter ice; like a magician, change a piece of snow.冬天象一位公主,舞动神奇的面纱,送来阵阵寒风;冬天像一个巧匠,雕刻出最美丽的冰花;冬天像一个魔法师,变化出一片白雪。

2. Winter came, the grass was gone, and a white snow quilt was laid on the grass. The trees are bare, only pine is still green, also dressed in a white coat of snow. The river was frozen with ice. The mountains in the distance and the small pavilions on the mountains were covered with thick snow quilts.冬天来了,小草没有了,草地上铺了条白白的雪被子。




3. It's very warm here in winter, and occasionally the next snow.这里冬天很暖和,偶尔下一场雪。

4. Look! It's snowing. Winter is here at last.瞧,下雪了。


5. In the north the ground becomes very cold as the winter snow and ice covers the ground.冬天冰雪覆盖大地,北方的地面变得非常寒冷。


Although winter means cold weather, I love it all the same. I think winter is a beautiful season, especially when it snows. Snowflakes fall down naughtily. They fall on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat fields. Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white. Everything is shining in the sun. Every time it snows, I will remember an old saying, "Winter has come, can spring be far away?'译文:虽然冬天意味着寒冷,但我仍然热爱冬天。








Winter is quite cold in my hometown.The temperature is usually below zero.The ground is covered with ice and snow.People have to wear sweater and thick clothes when they go out.But I still love winter.We children can play snow balls with each other and make snowman.We can also go skating on the outside ground.It's quite fun.I enjoy it very much.







Winter is a beautiful season, especially when it snows.Snowflakes fall down naughtily. They fall on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat fields.


I like winter best,because in winter ,I can play snowball and make a snowman with my friends.It snows in winter,it is often very pretty!In the winter,I can do many my favorite activities,skiing,skate,and so on.that is a very exciting activities!Oh,I like winter best!...



Spring is coming, every corner of the earth who filled with spring in the air. 小鸟们从家里飞了出来,唱着动听的歌,告诉我们:春天来了! The birds fly out from home, and sang hit song, tell us: spring is coming!春天真的来了,在池塘里,在田野上,在天空中,到处都焕发着勃勃生机。

Spring is really in the pond, in the field, in the sky, everywhere the glow vitality. 春天的景色太美了,春天里人们的心情更美。

Spring scenery was so beautiful, the mood in the spring people more beautiful. 我热爱春天,我喜欢闻到花儿的芳香,看到大树的新绿,听到小乌的欢唱。

I love spring, I like to smell the fragrance of flowers, see the tree's green, hear little uzziah sings. 我热爱春天,因为春天充满了生机,充满了新的希望! I love spring because full of vitality, full of new hope! (参考资料http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/245302926.html) 【夏】 It was a summer afternoon. The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks. 这是一个夏日的午后。


Summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers. 夏季时阳光普照,花蝴蝶舞蹈。

Roadside trees stand in the slumped, wind, still leaves, it fell full thick gray..路旁的梧桐树无精打采地站立在那,一丝风,树叶纹丝不动,上面落满了厚厚的灰。

【秋】 It is autumn. The sky is clem and cloudless. The summer heat is gone. The autumn wind brings us cool. The grains have been harvested, the rice, wheat and corn. . 秋天,已是秋天了,天空晴朗,万里无云,夏热已逝,秋风送爽。


At times the autumn rain keeps falling silandy on the trees and flowers and the ground. It washes everything clean. 有时,秋雨无声地落到树上、花上和地上。


What a beautiful painting! Autumn is the season for harvest no pains, no gains. I must study hard so that I can have a big harvest in all my subjects.一幅多么美丽的油画。




The sky is blue and clean. Many white clouds are in the sky. They look like sail boats. 天空很蓝色很干净。



. The leaves are yellow. Some are hanging on the trees, some are on the ground ,some are dancing in the wind.树叶都是黄色的。


【冬】 Snowflakes fall down naughtily. They fall on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat fields. Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white. Everything is shining in the sun.雪花落下来。




Boys and girls are singing and dancing around the snow man . 男孩女孩们围着雪人在唱歌跳舞。




因此,描述冬天景色的英语句子有如下例子: In the north the ground becomes very cold as the winter snowand ice covers the ground. 冬天冰雪覆盖大地,北方的地面变得非常寒冷The flakes seem to fuse together and produce ice crystals. 雪花好像融合在一起形成了冰晶。

The snow was light and noiseless as it floated down. 雪花轻盈飘落,无声无息。

The hills were salted with a light fall of snow. 薄薄一层雪花覆盖了山丘。


With an area of eight million square kilometres, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. ? The population stands at just twenty million, of whom some 85% live in urban areas, mainly along the coast. About 92% of the population are of European origin, 2% Aboriginal and about 6% Asian and Middle Eastern. ? Much of Australia is arid and flat. One-third of the country is desert and another third is steppe or semi-desert. Only six percent of the country rises above 600m in elevation, and its tallest peak, Mount Kosciuszko, is just 2228m high. ? Australia's main exports are fossil fuels, minerals, metals, cotton, wool, wine and beef, and its most important trading partners are Japan, China and the US. ? Australia is a federal parliamentary state with two legislative houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The chief of state is the British Monarch, represented by the Governor-General, while the head of government is the Prime Minister.


I love winter 我爱冬天I love winer ,not only I can get birthday gift but also play games with friends ueing snow.我爱冬天,不仅仅是因为冬天我可以收到生日礼物,还因为,冬天可以和朋友们一起打雪仗。

I think it is the most beautiful view in the world that snow flies in the sky.All the things return to be white,to be pure.我觉得漫天飘雪是最美丽的风景,万事万物都成了白色,满世界都是纯净。

I still remember that when I was 7 yeas old that was my first time saw snow. It was amaizing and I had the first snowman of myself which was made together with father.我至今仍然记得,那是在我7岁时,第一才看到下雪,也是第一次和爸爸做了一个雪人。
