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日期:2019年11月10日 分类:优美句子

This is what I like.(表语从句,作宾语)

He is no longer what he used to be.(表从)他已经不是原来的他了.


解释如下It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems, often defining as addictions what earlier, sterner generations explained as weakness of will.这个句子what earlier, sterner generations explained as weakness of will引导同位语从句。




用What提问并不局限于“What is this?',“What did you do?”等方面。


如:问“多少”What is the population of Beijing? 北京人口有多少?What are cabbages today? 今天的白菜价格是多少?What does the thermometer say? 寒暑表是多少度?What year is it? 今年是公元几年?What is your weight? 你的体重多少?What will the refrigerator cost? 冰箱要花多少钱?Would you mind telling me what the postage on this letterwill be? 请问寄这封信要多少邮费?What is the yield of grain per mu here?这里的粮食亩产是多少?问“多大”What age is he? 他年龄多大了?What percentage of people in your country work in industry?你们国家的工业人口占多少百分比?What is the area of this flower garden?这花园面积多大?问“怎样”What do you think of the match? 你觉得比赛怎样?What is the weather like in Tibet? 西藏的天气怎样?What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?明天的天气预报怎样说?What's he like as a violinist?他是怎样的一个小提琴手?What if he does not come? 假若他不来怎样办呢?问“哪个(哪些、哪种等)What comes after winter? 冬季之后是哪一个季节?What books have you read on this subject?关于这方面的书你读了哪些?

