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日期:2019年09月13日 分类:优美句子

  1. 正确

  2. ouside-->out。outside在这里是个副词,副词不必和后面的介词搭配。

  3. 去掉it。inside在这里可以是副词也可以是介词。当作副词看,则后面不需要接介宾短语了;当作介词看,由于宾语是代词it,要把代词放中间,变为look it inside.

  4. 正确

  5. 正确

  6. another后面加one。another在这里是个形容词,但是句子需要的是个名词做宾语。another也可以作代词,但前提是前面有代词one,那个结构是one...another...,所以由此判断在这里是形容词而不是代词。


1.It seems that everyone knows him. 2.Unless we protect the rare animals,they may die out.3.The invention of word is considered to be the culture's beginning. 4.Because of over-cuting by human beings,many trees have gone.5.It is a well known fact that protecting environment is protecting ourselves. 6.Many animals are in danger of dying out. 7.To be honest,I'm too anxious to go to school.8.Hearing his words,she's very unhappy.9.After the accident,he become more careful. 10.I was able to arrive here on time with the car's speedinf up. 11.Some people go to work by car for convenience. 12.He takes up so much of the place. 13.Born into a poor family,he earns his living at the age of 13.14.She's so thin that she gets ill as if she were a branch.The project are carried out where lack of water. 16.Students' duty is concentrate on study. 17.In the meanwhile our future can only depend on our study. 18.It is a bad way that will affect people's life.19.He was very grateful to her for what she had guided for him and treated her as his teacher.





你的整个句子可以改写成:Canada,which covers an area of more than 990 square kilometers,is the SECOND largest country in the world with a population of 30 million.


Incomplete Sentence - Sentence Fragment句子不完整——残缺句One common mistake many students make is the use of incomplete sentences. Each sentence in English must contain at least a subject and a verb, and should be an independent clause. Examples of incomplete sentences without a subject or a verb might include an instruction or a prepositional phrase.许多学生都会犯一个常见的错误,就是写出来的句子不完整。



For example:例如:Through the door.穿过大门。

In the other room.在另一个房间。

Over there.在那里。

These are phrases we may use in spoken English, but that should not be used in written English as they are incomplete.在英语口语中,你可能会用到这些短语,但是因为它们毕竟不是完整的英语句子,所以在书面语言中,我们一般不会使用。

Sentence fragments caused by dependent clauses used without an independent clause are more common. Remember that subordinating conjunctions introduce dependent clauses. In other words, if you use a subordinating clause beginning with a word such as 'because, though, if, etc.' there must be an independent clause to complete the thought. This mistake is often made on tests asking a question with 'Why'.由于缺乏独立分句的从属子句导致的句子残缺很常见。




For example, the sentences:例如,下面这个句子:Because Tom is the boss.因为汤姆就是老板。

Since he left work early without permission.自从他不经允许就早退。

We might answer the question: "Why did he lose his job?" However, these are sentence fragments. The correct answer would be:我们可能会问:“他为什么丢掉工作?”但是,这些句子都是不完整的。

正确用法应该是:He lost his job because Tom is the boss.因为汤姆就是老板,所以他丢掉了工作。

He lost his job since he left work early without permission.他因为不经允许就早退而丢掉了工作。

Other examples of incomplete sentences introduced by subordinating clauses include:其他关于从属子句的残缺句还包括下面内容:Even though he needs help.虽然他需要帮助If they study enough.如果他们好好学习As they had invested in the company.因为他们投资了这家公司Run-on Sentences句子不连贯Run-on sentences are sentences that:不连贯句子指的是:1) are not connected by appropriate linking language such as conjunctions缺乏合适的连接词,例如连词。

2) use too many clauses rather than using periods and linking language such as conjunctive adverbs使用过多的从句,而非句号和连接语,例如连接副词The first type leaves out a word - usually a conjunction - that is required to connect a dependent and independent clause. For example:第一种是漏掉了一个词——通常是连接词——用于连接非独立子句和独立子句。

The students did well on the test they didn't study very much.学生们考得很好他们没有下多少功夫。

Anna needs a new car she spent the weekend visiting car dealerships.安娜想买辆新车她整个周末都在约见代理商。

The first sentence should use either a conjunction 'but', or 'yet' or a subordinating conjunction 'although, even though, or though' to connect the sentence. In the second sentence, the conjunction 'so' or the subordinating conjunction 'since, as, or because' would connect the two clauses.第一句话要么应该加上一个连词but,要么加上yet,或者一个从属连词although, even though或though来连接前后两句。

The students did well, yet they didn't study very much.学生们考得很好,但他们并没有下多少功夫。

Anna spent the weekend visiting car dealerships since she needs a new car.因为想买辆新车,安娜整个周末都在约见代理商。

Another common run on sentence occurs when using too many clauses. This often occurs using the word 'and'.另一种句子不连贯发生在使用太多从句的时候。


We went to the store and bought some fruit, and we went to the mall to get some clothes, and we had lunch at McDonald's, and we visited some friends.我们去商店买了一些水果,去购物商城买了一些衣服,在麦当劳吃的午饭,又见了一些朋友。

The continuous chain of clauses using 'and' should be avoided. In general, do not write sentences that contain more than three clauses to ensure that your sentences do not become run-on sentences.我们应该避免使用and来连接一大串的从句。


Duplicate ...


Definitely not.3, maybe they just like animals and wanna make friends with them.5. I think it is because every life on the earth has his/.6...., I bought a cleansing scream(你可以换成你买的东西 我随便写了洗面奶) advertised by ..Yes.问你自己觉得自己时髦不;her rights to be free so we couldn't confine them..1. No. Because the words in ads may be overstated and false.2.People would not easily believe other's words and the social credibility would be decreased..(一个电影明星)4. For senior citizens. For children. Dogs are our friends..8.It depends.7.这个没法回答了, they keep pets to see the loneliness off....I would care about the reaction of the person I think highly of.(这条你也根据自己的情况回答比较好)你说简单的我就没写很多 观点也比较明显简单 嗯
